Information on the processing of personal data pursuant to and for the purposes of Art. 13 of the New European Regulation 2016/679 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION – GDPR)


Welcome to our website

BRAND HOLDING SRL owner of the “Roberta Martini” brand collects and manages your personal data with the utmost care and adopts specific security measures to protect them. Below you will find all the information on how we process your personal data in relation to your browsing on and the use of the services offered.

If you want more precise information on how BRAND HOLDING SRL manages your personal data, read our Privacy Policy - Detailed information. Also read the "Cookie Policy" of which contains information regarding the use of cookies within the website and the conditions relating to our services. Some services may be subject to specific legal terms, in which case we will take care of giving you all the appropriate information from time to time.


The Data Controller of your personal data is BRAND HOLDING SRL with registered office in Italy, CF / VAT number 09153331211 – REA number NA-1012290

Contact the data controller at any time by sending a request from the website, via email to, writing to the address of the BRAND HOLDING SRL headquarters for any clarification, question or need related to your privacy and processing of your personal data.


BRAND HOLDING SRL processes the personal data you provide us when you complete an order and purchase goods, and those we collect while you browse or use the services offered on BRAND HOLDING SRL may therefore collect data about you such as personal data (name and surname, shipping address and billing address), browsing data (IP address) and data on your purchasing habits.

Your personal data is processed for the following purposes:

conclude and execute the purchase contract for goods offered on;

provide you with the services offered by;

register on the Site and use the services reserved for registered users;

manage your requests forwarded to our Customer Service.

In the cases mentioned above, the processing of your personal data is legitimate as it is necessary to execute a contract with you or to provide you with the service you have specifically requested from us.

We also carry out statistical surveys and analyzes with aggregated and anonymous data to understand how users interact and use the Site, to improve the quality of our services.

Only with your express consent, however, do we process your personal data to:

carry out commercial and promotional communication activities;

customize the Site and commercial offers based on your interests.


Your personal data is processed by the trained and educated staff of BRAND HOLDING SRL as Data Controller. Your data may also be processed by our suppliers, previously evaluated and chosen for their reliability and competence, for organizational and functional needs relating to the provision of services on If some of these subjects are based in states outside the EU, the transfer of your personal data to these countries will be in compliance with the guarantees provided by law.


Your personal data is retained for a limited period of time which depends on the purpose for which it was collected. At the end of this period, your personal data will be irreversibly deleted or otherwise made anonymous. Depending on the purpose of the processing, the retention period changes: for example, data collected following the purchase of goods on are processed and stored in compliance with administrative and accounting formalities in compliance with local tax legislation (ten years); the data used to send you our newsletters are retained until you ask us to stop sending them.


You can, at any time, revoke your consent to processing, find out what personal data we have about you, their origin and how they are used, request their updating, rectification or integration as well as, when required by current provisions, the cancellation, limitation of processing or oppose their processing. You can also request to receive your personal data in our possession in a format readable by electronic devices and, when possible, the transfer of the same directly to a third party indicated by you.

You can lodge a complaint with one of the competent supervisory authorities for compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data (for Italy it is the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data –, if you believe that the processing of your personal data has been carried out unlawfully.


This information may undergo changes and additions over time, we therefore invite you to periodically check its contents. Where possible, we will try to inform you promptly about any changes we make.

PRIVACY POLICY – Detailed information


BRAND HOLDING SRL with registered office in Italy, CF / VAT number 09153331211 – REA number NA-1012290, is the Data Controller, i.e. the person who decides how and why to process your personal data.

You can always contact BRAND HOLDING SRL by writing to the above address or by sending an email to


The categories of personal data that BRAND HOLDING SRL collects and processes when you browse are the following:

we collect the personal data necessary to complete and execute your purchases on such as name and surname, e-mail address, shipping address, billing address, telephone number and payment data;

we collect your email address when you sign up for our newsletter service;

we process the personal data you provide us when you contact our Customer Service in order to provide you with the requested assistance;

we collect and use your personal data for marketing purposes when you give us your consent;

to register your account we collect your name and surname, e-mail, password and information on your access to the reserved area of ​​the Site.

in case of account authentication via external social networks (Facebook, Google..), we collect your e-mail address from these third parties which is necessary to register/authenticate on

we collect other personal data such as date of birth or gender only with your express consent: through the analysis of this data we can process information regarding your interests and preferences with respect to our products and services, with the aim of presenting you with proposals and offers in line with your tastes.

We collect information about your browsing on (pages visited and interactions on the page) and save it on our servers.

BRAND HOLDING SRL does not process personal data relating to minors. By accessing and using the services offered by BRAND HOLDING SRL you declare that you have reached the age of majority.


BRAND HOLDING SRL collects and processes your personal data for the following purposes:

conclude and execute the purchase contract for the products offered on In particular, the personal data necessary for the execution of the contract is requested, such as payment, anti-fraud checks if you choose to pay by credit or debit card, invoicing, shipping of the product and any return management.

registration on the Site and use of the services offered to registered users. This activity is possible only by entering some personal information, necessary to guarantee the identification of the specific user and the performance of the services offered to registered users

provision of the services offered on In relation to the specific characteristics of each service, BRAND HOLDING SRL collects personal data necessary to carry out the same.

in order to satisfy your requests sent to our Customer Service.

for the CVs sent to us, the information contained therein will be used exclusively to evaluate compatibility with any open positions. CVs are kept for a maximum period of six months.

statistical analysis and investigations. Some information on the use of the Site is used to carry out statistical analyzes and investigations with the aim of improving our offer and our services;

subject to your express consent, the contact details provided may be used for communications of a commercial nature on our products and services, offers and promotions, exclusives, new arrivals, etc. Furthermore, always subject to your consent, such data may be used in carrying out market research and satisfaction surveys. These communications will take place exclusively with the methods chosen by you (via e-mail, SMS, telephone, post, Whatsapp).

only with your consent, BRAND HOLDING SRL will be able to personalize your experience as a registered user on, offering you previews and offers in line with your tastes and sending you personalized commercial communications according to your interests, these communications will take place exclusively in the manner you wish chosen (via e-mail, SMS, telephone, post, Whatsapp).

If you do not wish to receive further communications from BRAND HOLDING SRL or modify your consents, you can let us know by simply clicking on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of each communication, accessing your account on the website, contacting our Customer Service or by writing to the above address or to the email address

We inform you that you may receive further communications from us even after submitting your unsubscription request, as some mailings may have already been scheduled, our systems may take some time to process your request.

In relation to all the activities indicated above, we will process your personal data mainly through IT and electronic tools; the tools we use guarantee high safety standards, in full compliance with current legislation on the subject.


We process your personal data only in the presence of one of the conditions established by current legislation, and specifically:


Only the minimum information necessary for the performance of the contract to which you are a party is used. This basis legitimizes the processing of personal data that takes place in the following activities:

conclusion and execution of a purchase contract for the products sold on

registration on the Site and use of services reserved for registered users;

provision of services offered on

management of requests by Customer Service

The provision of your personal data for these activities is a contractual obligation. If you do not wish to provide us with the requested data, it will not be possible to conclude or execute the contract and your requests.


Given the emergence of legal obligations to which BRAND HOLDING SRL is required in accordance with the tax provisions and other regulations to which BRAND HOLDING SRL is subject, your personal data is necessary and will be processed to carry out the aforementioned legal obligations.

The processing of CVs spontaneously sent to BRAND HOLDING SRL is legitimate as expressly authorized by a law, which specifies that in this case the consent of the person to whom the personal data refers is not required.


Some of your personal data that you provide to us in case of purchase of products or services on may be processed to carry out anti-fraud activities: there is a legitimate interest in carrying out this activity to prevent and prosecute any fraudulent activities.


Marketing activities, opinion polls, market research and analyzes of your browsing and consumption habits are all subject to your explicit consent. Providing us with your personal data for these activities is absolutely optional.


Your personal data is processed by BRAND HOLDING SRL internal staff specifically trained and authorized to process it.

Your personal data will also be transmitted to third parties used to provide our services; these subjects all offer suitable guarantees of compliance with the rules regarding the processing of personal data. These subjects have been designated data controllers and carry out their activities according to the instructions given by BRAND HOLDING SRL and under its control.

The third parties in question belong to the following categories: banking operators, internet providers, companies specialized in IT and telematic services; couriers; companies that carry out marketing activities; companies specializing in market research and data processing, consultancy companies.

The updated list of data controllers and persons in charge of processing is kept at the registered office of the Data Controller.

Your data may be transmitted to the police forces and judicial and administrative authorities, in accordance with the law, for the investigation and prosecution of crimes, the prevention and protection from threats to public security, to allow BRAND HOLDING SRL to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court, as well as for other reasons related to the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.


Depending on the device from which you browse, you may receive, with your consent, push notifications about our offers or news. To disable notifications, depending on the platform and/or browser used, follow the steps listed below:

Desktop: Right-click on the notification > disable notifications from

Mobile: Access the notification center > Site parameters > Notifications > Block notifications from

Common browsers:

Chrome: Settings > Show Advanced Settings > Privacy – Content Settings > Notifications – Manage Exceptions > Enter and select “Block”

Firefox: Options > Content > Notifications – Choose > – “Block”

Safari: Preferences > Notifications > From here set the selector to “Reject”

Microsoft Edge Menu > Settings > View advanced settings: “Website permissions” and “Manage” section.


Some of the third parties who process your data may be based in countries outside the European Union. However, the transfer of your personal data to these subjects and countries will only take place if an adequate level of data protection is offered or following the conclusion of specific agreements for the safeguarding and protection of your personal data.


Your personal data is stored for a limited and different period of time depending on the type of activity envisaged by the processing. After this period has expired, your data will be permanently deleted or otherwise made irreversibly anonymous.

In any case, for technical reasons, the cessation of processing and the consequent definitive cancellation or irreversible anonymization of the relevant personal data will be final within thirty days of the terms indicated below.

Your personal data is stored in compliance with the terms and criteria specified below:

data collected to conclude and execute contracts for the purchase of goods or services on they are retained until the administrative-accounting formalities are concluded. The data related to billing will be kept for ten years from the invoicing date;

registered user data: they are kept until you request the deletion of your profile;

data relating to payment: are retained until the payment is certified and the relevant administrative-accounting formalities are concluded following the expiry of the right of withdrawal and the terms applied for contesting the payment (no credit or debit card data is retained);

data connected to user requests to our Customer Service: are kept until your request is satisfied;

data collected in the context of the use of services offered on : are kept until the termination of the service or the cancellation of the subscription to the service by the User;

data connected to user requests to our Customer Service: are kept until your request is satisfied;

CVs: are kept for six months from receipt;

data provided for commercial communications activities, opinion polls and market research: they are kept until the user requests interruption of the activity

data used to personalize the Site and to show personalized commercial offers: they are kept until the user requests the cessation of the activity

data used to carry out market research and satisfaction surveys: are valid until the User requests the cessation of the activity.


At any time you can exercise your rights with reference to any specific data processing by BRAND HOLDING SRL. These rights consist of:

access and modification of data: you have the right to access your personal data and to request that they be corrected, modified or integrated with other information. If you wish, we will provide you with a copy of the data we hold about you.

revocation of consent: you can revoke at any time a consent you have given for the processing of your personal data in relation to any activity for marketing purposes (for example sending commercial and promotional communications, carrying out market research and surveys, personalization of the website and commercial offers). Once consent has been revoked, we will promptly cease the processing of your personal data based on such consent, while different processing or processing based on other assumptions will continue to be carried out in full compliance with the provisions in force.

opposition to the processing of personal data: you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest, explaining the reasons justifying your request; before accepting it, BRAND HOLDING SRL will have to evaluate the reasons for your request.

deletion of personal data: in the cases provided for by current legislation you can request the deletion of your personal data. Once your request has been received and examined, if legitimate we will promptly terminate the processing and delete your personal data.

temporary limitation of the processing of personal data: in this case BRAND HOLDING SRL will continue to store your personal data but will not process them, subject to legal exceptions. The limitation of processing may be requested in case of contestation of the accuracy of your personal data, of unlawful processing, of exercising your right in court and in case of opposition to the processing, in the period in which we evaluate the reasons for your request .

transfer of your data to a party other than BRAND HOLDING SRL (“right to data portability”). You can ask to receive your data, where technically possible, your data may be transferred directly to a third party indicated by you

In order to exercise the rights described above you can contact us by writing to the address of the Data Controller indicated above.

To ensure that our users' data is not violated or illegitimately used by third parties, we may verify the applicant's identity before accepting the request.


Your personal data is processed with specific technical and organizational security measures, aimed at preventing illegitimate or fraudulent use. In particular, we use security measures that guarantee: the pseudonymisation or encryption of your data; the confidentiality, integrity, availability of your data, the ability to restore it in the event of a data breach. Furthermore, BRAND HOLDING SRL undertakes to test, verify and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures in order to guarantee continuous improvement in the safety of processing.


If you believe that the processing of your personal data has been carried out unlawfully, you can lodge a complaint with one of the competent supervisory authorities for compliance with the rules on personal data protection. In Italy, the complaint can be presented to the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data.

More information on the presentation methods is available on the Guarantor's website, at


This privacy policy may undergo changes and additions over time. We invite you to periodically check the contents: where possible, we will try to promptly inform you of the changes made and their consequences

The updated version of the privacy policy, in any case, will be published on this page, indicating the date of its last update.


The processing of your personal data is carried out by BRAND HOLDING SRL in full compliance with the regulations on the matter provided for by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 general regulation on data protection, the rules on the processing of Italian personal data and the provisions of the Authority Italian control agency